User's Guide

2 1 . Sa fet y Pr e ca ut ion s
© 2 0 0 7 M ose ley, I nc. All Rights Re ser ve d. 6 0 2 - 1 4 8 8 6 - 0 1 , Rev. A
Risk of Per sonal I nj ury from Fibe r Opt ics
DANGER: I nvisible laser radiation. Avoid direct eye exposure to t he end of a fiber, fiber
cord, or fiber pigtail. The infrared light used in fiber optics system s is invisible, but can
cause serious injury to the eye.
W ARN I N G: Never t ouch exposed fiber wit h any part of your body. Fiber fragm ent s can
ent er t he skin and are difficult t o det ect and rem ove.
W a rning This is a Class A product
W ARN I N G: This is a Class A product . I n a dom est ic environm ent t his product m ay cause
radio int erference in which case t he user m ay be required to t ake adequate m easures.
W a rning Turn off all pow er before
W ARN I N G: Turn off all power before servicing.
Safet y Requirem ent s
Safety requirem ent s require a switch be em ployed between t he SDI DUext ernal power
supply and t he SDI DU™ power supplies.
Proper Disposal
The m anufacture of the equipm ent described herein has required t he ext ract ion and use
of nat ural resources. I m proper disposal m ay contam inate t he environm ent and present a
healt h risk due t o the release of hazardous subst ances contained within. To avoid
dissem inat ion of these substances into our environm ent, and to lessen the dem and on
nat ural resources, we encourage you to use t he appropriat e recycling syst em s for
disposal. These syst em s w ill reuse or recycle m ost of the materials found in t his
equipm ent in a sound way. Please contact Moseley or your supplier for m ore inform ation
on the proper disposal of this equipm ent.