User's Guide

6 6 . Appendix
© 2 0 0 7 M ose ley, I nc. All Rights Re ser ve d. 6 0 2 - 1 4 8 8 6 - 0 1 , Rev. A
Ala rm
Affect ed
Com ponent
Descript ion
LED t o
Ala rm
Sever it y
ODU Fault
ODU The ODU has indicated a fault
condit ion. Fault detect ion via
polling of ODU or unsolicited
m essage, if support ed. Polling
interval 5 sec. Polling done via
API functional call. Report of
this alarm in the
GUI / Syslog/ Alarm hist ory
indicates t he fault code from
the ODU.
N/ A 71 Crit ical
ODU Com m
Failure Lower
ODU The I DU is unable t o
com m unicat e with t he ODU.
This could be a problem with
the ODU or a problem with t he
cable connect ing the ODU t o
the I DU.
N/ A 72 Crit ical
ODU Fault
ODU The ODU has indicated a fault
condition or unsolicit ed
m essage, if support ed. Fault
det ect ion via polling of ODU.
Polling int erval 5 sec. Polling
done via API funct ion call.
Report of this alarm in the
GUI / Syslog/ Alarm hist ory
indicates t he fault code from
the ODU.
N/ A 73 Crit ical
ODU Com m
Failure Upper
ODU The I DU is unable t o
com m unicat e with t he ODU.
This could be a problem with
the ODU or a problem with t he
cable connect ing the ODU t o
the I DU.
N/ A 74 Crit ical
Protect ion
MODEM/ ODU This alarm will be set when an
AL1 com m and is received from
the act ive MODEM/ ODU.
Cleared when an AL2
com m and is received from t he
st andby MODEM/ ODU. Report
of this alarm in the
GUI / Syslog/ Alarm hist ory
indicates t he fault code from
t he ODU, if received.
N/ A 75 Major