User's Guide

6 . Appendix 1 3
© 2 0 0 7 M ose ley, I nc. All Rights Re ser ve d. 6 0 2 - 1 4 8 8 6 - 0 1 , Rev. A
Ala rm
Affect ed
Com ponent
Descript ion
LED t o
Ala rm
Sever it y
STM LP- RDI lkm I DU The SDH/ SONET Mux/ Dem ux
LP num ber x has a Rem ote
Defect I ndicat ion. Fault
det ect ion via polling of
LP_RDI _T bit in STM- 1 Core.
Where lkm is t he LP index as
LKM num bering. Alt ernate
det ect ion via I nt errupt
enabled in STM- 1 core.
N/ A Solid Maj or
I DU The SDH/ SONET Mux/ Dem ux
LP num ber x has a Pat h
I dentifier Mism atch. Fault
det ect ion via polling of
LP_PLM_T bit in STM- 1 Core.
Where lkm is t he LP index as
LKM num bering. Alt ernate
det ect ion via I nt errupt
enabled in STM- 1 core.
N/ A Solid Critical
STM LP- RFI lkm I DU The SDH/ SONET Mux/ Dem ux
LP num ber x has a Rem ote
Fault I ndicat ion. Fault
det ect ion via polling of
LP_RFI _T bit in STM- 1 Core.
Where lkm is t he LP index as
LKM num bering. Alt ernate
det ect ion via I nt errupt
enabled in STM- 1 core.
N/ A Solid Critical
I DU The SDH/ SONET Mux/ Dem ux
LP num ber x has a CRC
Error. Fault det ect ion via
polling of LP_BI P2_T bit in
STM- 1 Core. Where lkm is
t he LP index as LKM
num bering. Alternate
det ect ion via I nt errupt
enabled in STM- 1 core.
N/ A Solid Maj or
SDI DU Power-
I DU During power- up raise then
lower t his alarm .
N/ A Solid I nfo
SDI DU Re- boot I DU When a user reboot s t he
SDI DU, raise then lower t his
alarm prior to re-booting.
N/ A Solid I nfo