User Manual

If the rearm is to be stored for a long period of time it should be thoroughly cleaned and
oiled. Do not plug barrel or store in a fabric lined case that will absorb lubricant from the gun.
Scrub bore and chamber with solvent and follow with cleaning patches until barrel is
clean. A nal pass with a lightly oiled patch will provice a protective coating. Clean and
remove any deposits in the barrel extension.
All metal parts should be cleaned with gun solvent and lightly lubricated with gun oil.
Over lubrication should be avoided. Use only lubricants specically designed for re-
arms. Avoid the use of abrasives which may damage the metal nish.
Be sure not to leave cleaning patches or excessive oil or grease in the bore
as they can create dangerous obstructions, resulting in damage to the rearm
and/or serious personal injury to the shooter and/or others nearby.
Camo guns: Caution should be exercised to avoid exposure of camouage pattern to
strong solvents.
The bolt and trigger housing assemblies are complex assemblies and should not be
disassembled except by a factory authorized Product Service Center, or qualied
Clean as complete assemblies with gun solvent and lightly lubricate with gun oil.
Place the receiver with the trigger housing opening upward on a clean surface.
Slide the forearm assembly onto the magazine tube while guiding the action slide bars
into the corresponding cuts in the front of the receiver (Fig. 12).
Assemble the elevator by squeezing the arms together sufciently to position them in the
receiver so that the buttons on the elevator t into the corresponding (1/4” [6.4 mm])
diameter holes in the receiver (Fig. 11).
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