
MoTeC PLM Communications 27
CU1 PLM 1 Collect Master enabled
U1 PLM 1 Collect Master disabled
Message 1 address = xx0
U2 PLM 2 Collect Master disabled
Message 1 address = xx1
U16 PLM 16 Collect Master disabled
Message 1 address = xxF
A correctly configured network of PLMs using the CAN collect functionality
should have the unit numbers CU1, U2, U3, U4 etc.
A correctly configured network of PLMs that are not using the CAN collect
functionality should have the unit numbers U1, U2, U3, U4 etc.
A correctly configured PLM that is not using CAN communication should have
the unit number U0.
RS232 Messages
The PLM transmits RS232 status messages at a rate of 20 times a second.
If the PLM is configured as a CAN Collect Master then the transmitted message
contains the Lambda values for the master PLM and up to 15 slave PLMs.
If the PLM is not configured as a CAN Collect Master the transmitted message
contains Lambda values and diagnostics for the PLM.
Appendix N RS232 Message Format describes the format of the RS232
Messages. Note that the number of decimal places for calibrated sensor
readings depends on the selected output table in the PLM configuration.
The transmitted messages conform to the MoTeC generic data protocol and are
sent at 9600 baud, 8 data bit, no parity, 1 stop bit (9600, 8N1).