User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Voice Activation Settings
To set voice activation features on your phone, press >
Tools > Voice Activation and select from the following:
Language – select the voice activation language.
Voice Comments – select On or Off to enable or disable the
voice comments generated by the phone for name dialing and
number dialing. If you select Off the phone will only beep.
Incoming Call Recognition
When receiving an incoming call, the phone will say the name of
the caller (if the recognized phone number is stored in the
If the recognized number is not stored in the phonebook, the
phone will say the number.
To enable or disable the incoming call recognition feature,
> Tools > Voice Activation > Incoming Voice Calls >
On or Off.
Note: Your service provider’s network must support the caller ID
function and provide the caller's number in order for this feature
to work properly.
Call Answering by Voice Command
When receiving an incoming call, the phone will ask you if you
want to answer the call ("Call from… Accept the call?").
Press Yes to accept the call, or No to reject it.
Your phone incorporates a built-in GPS receiver, which can be
used by a compatible Java™ application to help you navigate
your way quickly and easily.
What is GPS?
GPS stands for Global Positioning System – a satellite-based
radio navigation system which was developed by the U.S.
Department of Defense. The system is formed by 24 satellites
22 – Main Attractions