User's Manual

30 68P80801E35-A 9/1/2001
Troubleshooting EBTS System Manual - Vol 2
Generation 2/EBRC Single Channel Base Radio Backplane
Generation 2/EBRC Single Channel Base Radio Backplane
Backplane Signals
Table 3 provides a list of all signals routed on the backplane interconnect board.
Table 3 BR Backplane Signal Descriptions
Signal Description
GND Station Ground
28.6 V 28.6 VDC Output from PS
14.2 V 14.2 VDC Output from PS
5.1 V 5.1 VDC Output from PS
A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6** The BRC uses these lines to address station modules and devices on those modules
SPI_MOSI Serial Processor Interface- Master out, slave in Data
SPI_MISO Serial Processor Interface- Master in, slave out Data
SPI_CLK Serial Processor Interface- Clock Signal (100 KHz- 1MHz)
ACG1, ACG2, ACG3, ACG4 BRC uses these lines to set digital attenuators on the receiver(s) for SGC functionality
2.1MHZ_RX 2.1 MHz generated on the BRC and used as a reference by the Receiver(s)
2.1MHZ_TX 2.1 MHz generated on the BRC and used as a reference by the Exciter
DATA1, DATA1* This differential pair carries Receiver 1 data to the Base Radio Controller
DATA2, DATA2* This differential pair carries Receiver 2 data to the Base Radio Controller
DATA3, DATA3* This differential pair carries Receiver 3 data to the Base Radio Controller
ODC_1, ODC_2, ODC_3 Clocks used to clock differentiual receive data from each respective receiver to the BRC
SBI_1,S BI_2, SBI_3 Serial Bus Interface - these lines are used to program the custom receiver IC oin each
SSI, SSI* Differentiual transmit data from the Exciter to the BRC
CLK, CLK* Differential Data clock used to clock transmit data from the BRC to the Exciter
VBLIN Programmable bias voltage generated on the Exciter and used to bias PA stages
RESET* Output from BRC to Exciter
EXT_VFWD DC voltage representing the forward power at the antenna as measured by the external
watt meter
EXT_VREF DC voltage representing the reected power at the antenna as measured by the external
watt meter.
WP* Write protect line used by the BRC to write serial EPROMs located on each module
BAT_STAT Binary ag used to signal BRC to monitor the External battery supply alam
METER_STAT Binary Flag used by the BRC to indicate to the BRC it should monitor
PA_ENABLE* The BRC uses this line to control PA bias.
1PPS Global Positioning System- 1 pulse per second (this may be combined with 5 MHz at the
site frequency reference)