User's Manual

68P80801E35-A 9/1/2001 31
EBTS System Manual - Vol 2 Troubleshooting
Generation 2/EBRC Single Channel Base Radio Backplane
RCLK RS-232- Receive Clock
TCLK RS-232- Transmit Clock
CTS RS-232- Clear To Send
RTS RS-232- Request To Send
CD RS232- Carrier Detect
RxD RS232- RX Data
TxD RS232- TX Data
BRG RS-232 Baud Rate Generator
5 MHZ / Spare signal not currently used
EXCITER OUT Forward transmit path QQAM at approximately an 11 dBm level
EXCITER_FEEDBACK Signal comes from PA at approximately 16 dBm. Used to close the cartesian RF_LOOP
PA_IN 4 dBm QQAM forward path of the transmitter
PA_FEEDBACK Signal to the Exciter at approximately 16 dBm. Used to close the cartesian RF_LOOP
Rx1_IN RF into Receiver 1
Rx2_IN RF nto Receiver nto Receiver 2
Rx3_IN RF nto Receiver 3
5MHZ REFERENCE 5 MHZ Station/Site reference. Signal comes from the redundant site frequency reference
and usually is multiplexed with the 1 PPS signal from the Global Positrioning Satellite
input to the site frequency reference.
ETHERNET Interface between the BRC and the ACG. This connects the Base to the 10 MHz LAN
SHUTDOWN Input signal from the BRC to the Power Supply. Used to exercise a station “hard start”
28V_AVG Not Used
NOTE: *= enabled low
NOTE: ** SPI address A6 was added to enable additional SPI addresses. The Eciter only needs to be changed if the change is required to take
advantage of additional SPI addresses. A6 pin A13 should be a NO CONNECT to enable A6 functionality on other modules.
Table 3 BR Backplane Signal Descriptions
Signal Description