User's Manual

68P80801E35-A 9/1/2001 9
EBTS System Manual - Vol 2 Troubleshooting
Generation 2 Single Channel BR Station Verification Procedures
Generation 2 Single Channel BR Station Verication Procedures
Perform the Station Verication Procedures whenever you replace a FRU. The
procedures verify transmit and receive operations. Each procedure also contains
the equipment set-up.
Generation 2 Single Channel BR Replacement FRU Verication
All module specic information is programmed in the factory prior to shipment.
Base Radio specic information (e.g., receive and transmit frequencies) is
downloaded to the Base Radio from the network/site controller.
Replacement FRU alignment is not required for the Base Radio.
Generation 2 Base Repeater FRU Hardware Revision Verication
The following procedure requires the Base Radio to be
out of service. Unless the Base Radio is currently out
of service, Motorola recommends performing this
procedure during off-peak hours. Performing this
procedure then minimizes or eliminates disruption of
service to system users.
1. Connect one end of the RS-232 cable to the service computer.
2. Connect the other end of the RS-232 cable to the Service Access port, located
on the front panel of the CNTL module.
3. Power on the BR using the front switch on the Power Supply Module. Press
the reset button on the Control Module front panel. At the prompt, hit a
Carriage Return on the service computer to enter the test application mode.
Using the password motorola, log in to the BR.
> login -ueld
password: motorola