
Mobile Accessories
Part Number Product Name Benefits
HSN8145B External 7.5 Watt Speaker Speaker offers a high level of radio volume output which can be
beneficial for users in high-noise environments.
RSN4001A External 13 Watt Speaker For extremely noisy environments, this speaker offers a higher level
of radio volume output so users can communicate.
RLN5288A Public Address Kit Includes two cables for mobile connection to public address box and
speaker cables. Requires HSN1000B speaker.
HSN1000B 6 Watt Amplified External Speaker Required for use with RLN5288A, Public Address Kit.
for Public Address Audio
HKN9324AR 15' Public Address/Speaker One cable is required per speaker.
GLN7324A Low-Profile Mounting Bracket The low-profile mounting bracket is used to keep the radio tucked up
under the dash. Mounting bracket can also be positioned for floor
mounting of a radio.
GLN7317A High-Profile Mounting Bracket The high-profile mounting bracket is used to keep the radio tucked up
under the dash. It offers more clearance between the dash and the
than does the low-profile bracket,
but with added room to allow
the user to tilt the radio for a better view when needed. In addition, it
can be positioned for floor mounting of the radio.
HLN9227A 8" Gooseneck Mounting Bracket The gooseneck mounting bracket is perfect for a range of mounting
challenges. The gooseneck raises the mobile for better viewing of
display. Additionally, the user can adjust the bottom "foot" to mount on
a vertical surface when no other convenient location is available.
RLN4779A Key Lock Mount Bracket
Key lock mount bracket allows the mobile to be mounted and locked
and gives radio users extra protection from theft by requiring use of a
key to lock/unlock the radio from its position in the mounting bracket.
HLN8097A Removable Slide Mount Removable slide mount is ideal if users frequently move the radio from
one vehicle to another. The radio easily slips in and out of the slide
mount so users can take it with them when they leave the vehicle.
HPN4002B Power Supply and Cable 1-25 watt power supply for use with low-power radios in order
(1-25W models) to provide power for mobiles in a desktop environment.
HPN4001B Power Supply and Cable 25-60 watt power supply for use with high-power radios in order to
(25-60W models) provide power for mobiles in a desktop environment.
HMN3000B Desktop Microphone, Black Black desktop microphone makes transmissions easy when the
mobile radio is being used from a desktop because the microphone
and push-to-talk button are larger. Microphone can help expedite
transmissions because the user doesn't have to keep picking up the
mobile microphone.
Power Cable of Low-Power Control
Stations 12V (1-25W Models)
Power Cable of High-Power Control
Stations 12V (25-60W Models)
RLN5390A Desktop Tray with Speaker Ideal for securing the mobile in place in a desktop environment.
Includes speaker for increased volume when receiving calls in
high-noise areas.
RLN5391A Desktop Tray Without Speaker Ideal for securing the mobile in place in a desktop environment.
HLN9328C External Alarm Relay Cable –
horn and lights
GLN7282A Alarm Buzzer Kit