user manual

Configure and Environment Commands
The parameters to be configured are listed in the following table:
Table A-1. ENV Command Parameters
ENV Parameter and Options Default Meaning of Default
Bug or System environment [B/S] S System Mode
Field Service Menu Enable [Y/N] Y Display Þeld service menu.
Remote Start Method Switch
B Use both the Global Control and
Status Register (GCSR) in the
VMEchip2, and the Multiprocessor
Control Register (MPCR) in shared
RAM, methods to pass and start
execution of cross-loaded program.
Probe System for Supported I/O
Controllers [Y/N]
Y Accesses will be made to VMEbus to
determine presence of supported
Negate VMEbus SYSFAIL*
Always [Y/N]
N Negate VMEbus SYSFAIL after
successful completion or entrance into
the bug command monitor.
Local SCSI Bus Reset on Debugger
Startup [Y/N]
N Local SCSI bus is not reset on
debugger startup.
Local SCSI Bus Negotiations Type
A Asynchronous.
Ignore CFGA Block on a Hard
Disk Boot [Y/N]
Y Enable the ignorance of the
ConÞguration Area (CFGA) Block on
a hard disk.
Auto Boot Enable [Y/N] N Auto Boot function is disabled.
Auto Boot at power-up only
Y Auto Boot is attempted at power-up
reset only.
Auto Boot Controller LUN 00 LUN of a disk/tape controller module
currently supported by the Bug.
Default is 00.
Auto Boot Device LUN 00 LUN of a disk/tape device currently
supported by the Bug. Default is 00.