Service manual

68P80401P01-O 5-13
To change your GPS PIN:
1. From the main menu, select Settings > Security > Change Password > GPS PIN.
2. Enter the current GPS PIN.
Note: When you receive your phone, your GPS PIN is 0000.
3. Press the Ok button.
4. Enter the new 4- to 8-digit GPS PIN.
5. Press the Ok button.
6. Enter the new 4- to 8-digit GPS PIN to confirm.
7. Press the Ok button.
Change Password — changes your phone unlock code, security code SIM PIN, and GPS PIN.
Advanced Features
The Advanced menu contains advanced and rarely used Settings features.
Alert Timeout — controls the amount of time a tone continues to sound when you receive a
message notification or call alert.
Headset/Spker—If you use a headset or similar device with your phone, you can set your
phone to send incoming sound to the headset only, or to the headset and the speaker at the same
1. From the main menu, select Settings > Advanced > Headset/Spker.
2. Press the Ok button.
3. Scroll to HdsetOnly to send incoming sound to the headset only.
Scroll to Hdset&Spker to send incoming sound to the headset and the speaker at the same
4. Press the Ok button.
ConnectivityNetwork ID sets the phone’s network IDs and their roaming options under the
direction of your service provider; Master Reset lets your service provider to reset your service
in the event of a security or provisioning problem.
Reset DefaultsReset Settings returns all settings to their original defaults; Reset All returns
all settings to their original defaults and erases all stored lists. Use only under the direction of
your service provider.
Return to Home — controls how long the recent calls list displays after calls.
Airplane Mode — User option to stop unit from receiving/transmitting radio frequency.
Settings > Advanced > Airplane Mode > OK > Off.
Settings > Advanced > Airplane Mode > OK > On.
Settings > Advanced > Airplane Mode > OK > [Help].
Phone Only — prevents your phone from making or receiving Private calls or group calls.
BaudRate — sets the baud rate at which your phone communicates with a laptop computer, PC,
or similar device.