User`s guide

Table Of Contents
Send Datebook Events
Sending a Datebook Event From PT
PT Manager lets you select the Private ID you want
to send the event to from Contacts or the recent
calls list.
1 From the main menu, select PT Manager >
Send Event.
2 To choose a Private ID from Contacts, select A
Contact. A list of Contacts entry that have
Private IDs and are able to receive Datebook
events appears. -or-
To choose a Private ID from the recent calls list,
select A Recent Call. A list of calls containing
Private IDs that are able to receive Datebook
events appears.
3 Select the Contacts entry or recent call
containing the Private ID you want to send an
event to.
4 If you want to create a new Datebook event to
send, press A under New. Create the event.
See “Creating Events” on page 100. -or-
If you want to chose an event from Datebook,
select the event you want to send.
5 If the event is a recurring event: Select This
Event Only to send only the event selected.
Select Repeat Event to send all occurrences of
the event.
6 Press the PTT button to send the event.
Sending a Datebook Event From
From Datebook you can select the Private ID you
want to send the event to from Contacts or the
recent calls list.
1 From the main menu, select Datebook.
2 Press m.
3 If you want to create a new Datebook event to
send, create the event. See “Creating Events”
on page 100. -or-
If you want to chose an event from Datebook,
select the event you want to send.
4 Select Send via PTT.
5 If the event is a recurring event: Select This
Event Only to send only the event selected.
Select Repeat Event to send all occurrences of
the event.
6 To choose a Private ID from Contacts, select A
Contact. A list of Contacts entry that have
Private IDs and are able to receive Datebook
events appears. -or-