User`s guide

Table Of Contents
Messages 73
see also voice mail, MOSMS
messages, and SMS
receiving 73
data transfer modes 56
with a data cable 55
with Bluetooth 55
MOSMS messages 76
creating 77
deleting 79, 80
drafts 79
memory 80
message center 77
quick notes 78
receiving 76
sending 77
sent messages 79
setting up 76
sorting 80
calls, ending 28
channels 25
channels, setting 25
code calls, making 26
code calls, receiving 26
codes 25
codes, setting 25
Direct Launch 28
emergency calls 28
private MOTOtalk calls 27
Private Only setting 27
receiving all calls 26
setup options 28
State Tone 29
switching to 24
switching to network mode 25
talk range 25
MP3 files 10, 106, 109, 128,
130, 137
see also audio player
Mute 23
My Info 97
editing 97
receiving 36, 91
Send via PTT 90
sending 90
viewing 97
Navigation key 2
Over-the-air programming 7
Packet data 56
Passwords 176
Patent information 209
dialing 53
storing 46
Phone 1, 8
active line 173
flip action 19, 20, 53
locking 176
modem 55
off 6
on 6
only 177
setting up 2
Pictures 123
accessing the camera 113
Contacts 39, 41, 44, 115, 124