User`s guide

Messages center 57
Mike’s Talk Around 24
channels 25
codes 25
emergency calls 28
private Mike’s Talk Around
calls 27
setup options 28
talk range 25
MMS messages 62
attachments 74, 78
calling from 76
creating 62
deleting 73, 75, 80, 82
drafts 71
embedded objects 74
forwarding 72, 76
going to website 77
Inbox 75
inserting audio recordings
inserting pictures 113
inserting videos 115
locking 76
memory 81
message center 75
quick notes 68, 79
receiving 73
replying 76
sending 62, 71, 72
sent items 72
setting up 79
slide shows 74, 78, 79
storing to Contacts 77
with a data cable 84
with Bluetooth 85
MP3 files 9, 117, 120, 127, 129
see also audio player
Mute 34
My Info 99
editing 99
receiving 38, 94
Send via PTT 92
sending 92
viewing 99
Navigation key 2
Net alerts 59
One-to-one calls 19
also see Private calls
Packet data 85
Passwords 180
Patent information 203
dialing 53
storing 48
Phone 1
active line 177
flip action 30, 53
locking 180
modem 84
off 6
on 6
setting up 2
Pictures 112
accessing the camera 101
Contacts 41, 42, 43, 46, 104,
deleting from messages 78
inserting in messages 69,