User`s guide

103, 106
inserting in MMS messages
receiving 89
recent calls 35
saving from messages 78
sending 87, 113
sending with Bluetooth 113
taking 101
Profiles 182
call filtering 185
changing settings 183
creating 184
deleting 185
editing 184
switching 182
temporary 183
viewing 182
PUK code 13
Quick notes 68, 79
see also MMS messages,
quick notes
Radio frequency 192
Recent calls 20, 31, 35, 39
addressing MMS messages
call alerts 36
contact information 37
creating MMS messages 66
deleting 39
display time 181
My Info 38
pictures 35
storing to Contacts 38, 44
viewing 35
Redialing 33, 177
Ring tones 134
deleting 136
in Contacts 41, 42, 43
memory 136
off 134
setting 134
setting in Contacts 135
vibrate 134
viewing assigned 135
Ringer 174
see also Ring tones
off 174
Safety 192
accessory 198
battery 197
electromagnetic interference
medical devices 195
radio frequency 192
Security 180
Send via PTT
contact information 94
My Info 92
Sent items 62, 72
see also MMS messages,
sent items
icons 73
Settings 177
ear volume 179
resetting 181
speak caller 179
speak text 179