User`s guide

Recent Calls
The picture assigned to the number, if your
handset is set to show pictures on the recent calls
list. See “Choosing Picture View or List View” on
page 35.
The Contacts type icon associated with the
number. If the Contacts entry containing the
number has more than one number or address
<> surrounds the Contacts type icon. For
information on Contacts types, see page 41.
The Private ID Contacts type icon appears when you
receive a Private call or call alert, even if the number
is not stored in Contacts.
Call alerts you have received appear as Private calls.
Like all items in the recent calls list, they remain listed
until you delete them or until they reach the end of the
For phone calls, an additional icon appears giving
information about the call:
When you select a call to view its details, you see
information such as the name associated with the
call, the number, date, time, and duration of the call.
If you select a Private call, you see information on the
call as well as any PTX items associated with the call.
To see more information about the Private call itself
from this view, select the call information displayed.
PTX Items in Private Calls
When you receive a PTX item in a Private call, an
icon appears indicating the type of item:
A call you made.
A call you received.
A missed call. Missed calls appear on the
recent calls list only if you have Caller ID.
Contact information
My Info
More than one type of PTX item from one
Private ID