user manual

Configure and Environment Commands
Network Autoboot ConÞguration
Parameters Pointer (NVRAM)
00000000 This is the address where the network
interface conÞguration parameters are
to be saved/retained in NVRAM; these
parameters are the necessary
parameters to perform an unattended
network boot.
If you use the NIOT debugger
command, these parameters
need to be saved/retained in
the NVRAM, somewhere in
the address range $FFFC0000
through $FFFC0FFF. The
NIOT parameters do not
exceed 128 bytes in size. The
location for these parameters
is determined by setting this
ENV pointer. If you have used
the exact same space for your
own program information or
commands, they will be
overwritten and lost.
You can relocate the network interface
conÞguration parameters in this space
by using the ENV command to change
the Network Auto Boot
Configuration Parameters
Pointer (NVRAM) from its default of
00000000 to the value you need so as
to be clear of your data within NVRAM.
Table D-1. ENV Command Parameters (Continued)
ENV Parameter and Options Default Meaning of Default