user manual

Debugger General Information
Terminal Input/Output Control
When entering a command at the prompt, the following control
codes may be entered for limited command line editing.
Note The presence of the caret ( ^ ) before a character
indicates that the Control (CTRL) key must be held
down while striking the character key
When observing output from any 177Bug command, the XON and
XOFF characters which are in effect for the terminal port may be
entered to control the output, if the XON/XOFF protocol is enabled
^X (cancel line) The cursor is backspaced to the beginning of the line. If
the terminal port is conÞgured with the hardcopy or
TTY option (refer to PF command), then a carriage
return and line feed is issued along with another
^H (backspace) The cursor is moved back one position. The character at
the new cursor position is erased. If the hardcopy
option is selected, a Ò/Ó character is typed along with
the deleted character.
^D (redisplay) The entire command line as entered so far is
redisplayed on the following line.
^A (repeat) Repeats the previous line. This happens only at the
command line. The last line entered is redisplayed but
not executed. The cursor is positioned at the end of the
line. You may enter the line as is or you can add more
characters to it. You can edit the line by backspacing
and typing over old characters.
<DEL> (delete or rubout) Performs the same function as ^H.