
English LD-G-1 / LD-W-1
Page 24
EMC declaration
This product is developed in accordance with the European standards
EN 55014 and EN 50082-1, tested corresponding to the EC - directive
89/336/EWG (EMVG of 09/11/1992, electromagnetic tolerance) and
meets legal requirements.
To guarantee the electromagnetic tolerance you must take the
following precautions:
§ Connect the transformer only to an approved mains socket installed
by an authorised electrician.
§ Make no changes to the original parts and accurately follow the
instructions, circuit diagram and PCB layout included with this manual.
§ Use only original spare parts if you have to repair the kit or the
ready-built module.
Information: Motorola I and Motorola II format
The digital driving data is differently encoded and transmitted in the
(old) Motorola I format and the (new) Motorola II format. The
locomotive decoder is designed to evaluate data in Motorola II format.
This limits its use in Motorola I format.
Since data of the auxiliary functions F1 to F4 sent in Motorola I Format
cannot be evaluated by the locomotive decoder, it is not possible to
switch these functions on or off when using Motorola I format.
Unlike the Motorola II format, no absolute direction data is sent in
Motorola I format, but a single driving signal reverses the direction of
travel. This has the following consequences:
1. If the change direction command is not recognized by the
locomotive, it continues in the original direction.
2. If the decoder is switched off for some time and the direction data is
not saved, the locomotive continues in its favourite direction when it is
switched on again.