User Manual

Table Of Contents
Advanced Features
Password Lock Features
If enabled, this feature allows you to access your radio via
password upon powering up.
Accessing the Radio from Password
Power up the radio.
1 You hear a continuous tone.
2 Enter your current four-digit password. Press ^ or v to edit
each digit’s numeric value. Press
> or c to move to the
next digit. Each digit changes to
. Press c to confirm
your selection.
You hear a positive indicator tone for every digit pressed.
< to remove the each on the display. You hear a
negative indicator tone, if you press
< when the line is
empty, or if you press more than four digits.
3 The display shows ●●●●. Press c to proceed.
4 If the password is correct:
Your radio proceeds to power up. See Powering Up the
Radio on page 5.
If the password is incorrect:
The display shows Wrong Password. Repeat Step 2.
After the third incorrect password, the display shows Wrong
Password and then, shows Radio Locked. A tone sounds
and the LED double blinks yellow.
Your radio enters into locked state for 15 minutes, and responds
to inputs from On/Off/Volume Control Knob and programmed
Backlight Auto button only.
NOTE: The radio is unable to receive any call, including
emergency calls, in locked state.
Unlocking the Radio from Locked State
Wait for 15 minutes. Repeat Steps 1 to 3 in Accessing the
Radio from Password on page 70.
Power up the radio, if you have powered down the radio during
locked state:
1 A tone sounds and the LED double blinks yellow. The
display shows Radio Locked.
2 Wait for 15 minutes. Repeat Accessing the Radio from
Password on page 70.
Your radio restarts the 15 minutes timer for locked state when
you power up.