Personal Computer User Manual

Debugger General Information
3-14 Installation Guide
Physical Layer Manager Ethernet Driver
This driver manages/surrounds the Ethernet controller chip or board.
Management is in the scope of the reception of packets, the transmission of
packets, receive buffer flushing, and interface initialization.
This module ensures that the packaging and unpackaging of Ethernet packets
is done correctly in the Boot PROM.
UDP/IP Protocol Modules
The Internet Protocol (IP) is designed for use in interconnected systems of
packet-switched computer communication networks. The Internet protocol
provides for transmitting of blocks of data called datagrams (hence User
Datagram Protocol, or UDP) from sources to destinations, where sources and
destinations are hosts identified by fixed length addresses.
The UDP/IP protocols are necessary for the TFTP and BOOTP protocols, TFTP
and BOOTP require a UDP/IP connection.
RARP/ARP Protocol Modules
The Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) basically consists of an
identity-less node broadcasting a “whoami” packet onto the Ethernet, and
waiting for an answer. The RARP server fills an Ethernet reply packet up with
the target's Internet Address and sends it.
The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) basically provides a method of
converting protocol addresses (e.g., IP addresses) to local area network
addresses (e.g., Ethernet addresses). The RARP protocol module supports
systems which do not support the BOOTP protocol (next paragraph).
BOOTP Protocol Module
The Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) basically allows a diskless client machine to
discover its own IP address, the address of a server host, and the name of a file
to be loaded into memory and executed.
TFTP Protocol Module
The Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a simple protocol to transfer files.
It is implemented on top of the Internet User Datagram Protocol (UDP or
Datagram) so it may be used to move files between machines on different
networks implementing UDP. The only thing it can do is read and write files
from/to a remote server.