Personal Computer User Manual

Entering Debugger Command Lines
MVME197LEIG/D1 4-3
If no base identifier is specified, then the numeric value is assumed to be
A numeric value may also be expressed as a string literal of up to four characters.
The string literal must begin and end with the single quote mark (’). The numeric
value is interpreted as the concatenation of the ASCII values of the characters.
This value is right-justified, as any other numeric value would be.
Evaluation of an expression is always from left to right unless parentheses are
used to group part of the expression. There is no operator precedence.
Subexpressions within parentheses are evaluated first. Nested parenthetical
subexpressions are evaluated from the inside out. Valid expression examples:
The total value of the expression must be between 0 and $FFFFFFFF.
Data Type Base Identifier Examples
Integer Hexadecimal $ $FFFFFFFF
Integer Decimal & &1974, &10-&4
Integer Octal @ @456
Integer Binary % %1000110
String Literal Numeric Value (In Hexadecimal)
’A’ 41
’ABC’ 414243
’TEST’ 54455354
Expression Result (In Hexadecimal) Notes
FF0011 FF0011
45+99 DE
&45+&99 90
@35+@67+@10 5C
%10011110+%1001 A7
88<<4 880 shift left
AA&F0 A0 logical AND