
P460/P360 Memory Scanners Product Reference Guide
Host Type
RS-232 Host Types
Most RS-232 hosts work fine with the default settings, however, three RS-232 hosts are set
up with their own parameter default settings. Selecting the ICL, Fujitsu or Nixdorf RS-232
host interface sets the defaults listed below. These defaults take precedence over
Standard RS-232 defaults. So, if you select the Fujitsu RS-232 first, and then select the
Standard RS-232 defaults, the Fujitsu defaults still take precedence. To return to the
factory set defaults, scan the SET ALL DEFAULTS bar code on page 5-7.
Table 5-2. Terminal Specific RS-232
Parameter Standard ICL FUJITSU NIXDORF
Mode A/
Mode B
Transmit Code ID No Yes Yes Yes
Data Transmission Format Data as is Data/Suffix Data/Suffix Data/Suffix
Baud Rate 9600 9600 9600 9600
Parity None Even None Odd
Hardware Handshaking None RTS/CTS
Option 3
Option 3
Software Handshaking None None None None
Serial Response Time-out 2 Sec. 9.9 Sec. 2 Sec. 9.9 Sec.
Stop Bit Select One One One One
ASCII Format 8-Bit 8-Bit 8-Bit 8-Bit
Beep On <BEL> Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled
RTS Line State Low High Low *Low = No
data to send
*In the Nixdorf Mode B, if CTS is Low, transmission of scan data is disabled. When CTS is High,
bar code data is transmitted to the host.
**If Nixdorf Mode B is scanned without the scanner connected to the proper host, it may appear
unable to scan. If this happens, scan a different RS-232 host type within 5 seconds of cycling
power to the scanner.