Service manual

Glossary of Terms Glossary
Term Definition
Active Scan State The state when the radio is in Scan Mode, and when the radio is rapidly
moving through the Scan List Member channels looking for eligible
transmission activity.
Busy Channel
Lockout (BCL)
If BCL is activated, the radio will check for channel activity before trans-
mitting. If activity is detected, transmission is prohibited. For carrier
squelch mode, radio will not transmit, if it is receiving carrier. For coded
squelch mode, it will not transmit, if it is receiving carrier with different
PL/DPL code.
Carrier An electromagnetic signal that is transmitted on a selected frequency for
the purpose of carrying voice or data transmissions along with it. Carrier
can then be received by all radios listening on that frequency.
Carrier Squelch
When the carrier energy exceeds the carrier energy threshold, known as
the Squelch Level, the radio unmutes.
CD Compact Disk.
Channel A single path separated by frequency or time divisions used for transmit-
ting and/or receiving voice and/or data.
Channel Alias Channel Aliases are radio-user descriptions for the radio’s channels.
Alphabets, numbers, spaces, “+”, “-”, and “/” can be used. Examples:
EMT-001, 500, SECURITY.
Channel Band-
The channel spacing when operating on the current channel.
Channel Enabled When selected, the channel is enabled and accessible.
Coded Squelch When the channel receives incoming message that contains the same
PL or DPL code as its Rx PL/DPL code, the radio unmutes.
Codeplug A solid-state chip inside a radio where the radio’s personality data is
Port (COM Port)
A serial hardware interface connection at the back of a computer used to
communicate with other hardware devices, such as radios, modems,
and printers. Also known as a Serial Port. COM Ports are designated by
slot positions such as Port1, Port2, Port3, Port4.
When programming a radio, the computer is connected to the radio with
a RIB cable via the COM port. The computer’s CPS Com Port settings
are independent of each other and apply to the Read and Write features.
CPS Acronym for Customer Programming Software. Licensed Motorola soft-
ware used to program two-way radios with a unique set of features.
CSQ Carrier Squelch.
CTCSS Acronym for Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System. A generic term
for sub-audible tone/ code used to create communications groups. Also
see PL.