user manual

download contacts
download c ontacts
phonebook download
You can manually download up to 1,500 phonebook
contacts from your phone to your speakerphone so it can
announce the name of your incoming caller.
To do this, press both Call and Mute/Favorite Contacts
buttons at the same time until you hear a tone or
“downloading caller ID information, or see your phone
requesting for permission to accept information access
from your phone.
When download is complete, you hear “download
complete. If the download is interrupted, for example by
an incoming call, it resumes after the call.
Repeat this action whenever you want to update your
phonebook contacts.
Your phone must support Bluetooth Phone Book
Access Profile (PBAP) for this feature to work.
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If your phone does not support the Bluetooth PBAP
profile, you can manually send up to 50 phonebook
contacts from your phone to your speakerphone.