
14 - 22 WiNG 5.2.6 Wireless Controller CLI Reference Guide
router-solicit Disables router-solicit attack checks
Router solicitation messages are sent to locate routers as a form of network scanning. This
information can then be used to attack a device.
smurf Disables smurf attack checks
In this attack a large number of ICMP echo packets are sent with a spoofed source address.
This causes the device with the spoofed source address to be flooded with a large number
of replies.
snork Disables snork attack checks
This attack causes a remote Windows™ NT to consume 100% of the CPU’s resources. This
attack uses a UDP packtet with a destination port of 135 and a source port of 7, 9, or 135.
This attack can also be exploited as a bandwidth consuming attack.
tcp-bad-sequence Disables tcp-bad-sequence checks
This DoS attack uses a specially crafted TCP packet to cause the targeted device to drop
all subsequent network of a specific TPC connection. Disables tcp-bad-sequence check.
tcp-fin-scan Disables TCP FIN scan checks
A FIN scan finds services on ports. A closed port returns a RST. This allows the attacker to
identify open ports
tcp-intercept Disables TCP intercept attack checks
Prevents TCP intercept attacks by using TCP SYN cookies
tcp-null-scan Disables TCP Null scan checks
A TCP null scan finds services on ports. A closed port returns a RST. This allows the
attacker to identify open ports
tcp-post-syn Disables TCP post SYN DoS attack checks
Disables TCP SEQUENCE PAST WINDOW DoS attack checks
Disable this check to work around a bug in Windows XP's TCP stack which sends data past
the window when conducting a selective ACK.
tcp-xmas-scan Disables TCP XMAS scan checks
A TCP XMAS scan finds services on ports. A closed port returns a RST. This allows the
attacker to identify open ports
tcphdrfrag Disables TCP header checks
A DoS attack where the TCP header spans IP fragments
twinge Disables twinge attack checks
A twinge attack is a flood of false ICMP packets to try and slow down a system
udp-short-hdr Disables UDP short header checks
Enables the identification of truncated UDP headers and UDP header length fields
winnuke Disables Winnuke checks
This DoS attack is specific to Windows™ 95 and Windows™ NT, causing devices to crash
with a blue screen