Software Notice

Open Source Software Notice
1. The version number will be modified as follows:
a. The first 3 components of the version number (i.e <number>.<number>.<number>) will
remain unchanged.
b. A new component will be appended to the version number to indicate the modification
level. The form of this component is up to the author of the modifications.
2. The author of the modifications will include his/her name by appending it along with
the new version number to this file and will be responsible for any wrong behavior of the
modified software.
The author makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any
purpose. It is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranty.
Modifications: Version: Copyright 1998-2001 by Rob Braun
Sensor Addition Version: Copyright 2001 by Steve Grubb
This is an exerpt from an email I recieved from the original author, allowing xinetd as
maintained by me (Rob Braun), to use the higher version numbers:
I appreciate your maintaining the version string guidelines as specified in the copyright.
But I did not mean them to last as long as they did.
So, if you want, you may use any 2.N.* (N >= 3) version string for future xinetd versions
that you release. Note that I am excluding the 2.2.* line; using that would only create
confusion. Naming the next release 2.3.0 would put to rest the confusion about 2.2.1 and