User Manual-for Windows

The Dynamics tab
The Dynamics tab (Figure 9-21) displays the
Dynamics processing settings for the input or
output channel that currently has the focus. Click
any focus button in the Inputs or Outputs tab to
view the Dynamics tab settings for the channel.
Figure 9-21: The Dynamics tab.
Enabling Dynamics
Each input and output channel has a global
Dynamics enable/disable button (Figure 9-3 and
Figure 9-6). This button enables or disables all
dynamics processing for the channel. In addition,
the Dynamics tab has two different dynamics
processors, the Compressor and Leveler, which can
be individually enabled or disabled (Figure 9-21)
for the channel.
The Compressor (Figure 9-21) lowers the level of
the input when it is above the threshold. The
amount of attenuation is determined by the Ratio
and the input level. If the input is 6 dB above the
Threshold and the Ratio is 3:1, then the output will
be 2 dB above the Threshold. When the input level
goes above the threshold, the attenuation is added
gradually to reduce distortion. The rate at which
the attenuation is added is determined by the
Attack parameter. Likewise, when the input level
falls below the Threshold, the attenuation is
removed gradually. The rate at which the
attenuation is removed is determined by the
Release parameter. Long Release times may cause
the audio to drop out briefly when a soft passage
follows a loud passage. Short Release times may
cause the attenuation to pump when the average
input level quickly fluctuates above and below the
These sorts of issues can be addressed by applying
the Leveler instead.
Graphic adjustment of the Threshold
The Threshold can be adjusted by turning the
Threshold knob or by dragging the Threshold line
directly in the compressor graph (Figure 9-21).
Input level meter
The Input Level meter (Figure 9-21) shows the level
of the input signal before it enters the compressor.
It shows either the peak level or the RMS level,
depending on which mode is currently chosen.
Gain reduction (GR) meter
The Gain reduction (GR) level meter (Figure 9-21)
displays the current amount of attenuation applied
by the compressor.
Output level
The Output Level meter (Figure 9-21) displays the
peaks of the output signal. Trim is applied before
the Output Level meter.
Dynamics tab
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!828mk3 Hyb Manual/Win Page 84 Monday, March 28, 2011 6:11 PM