User Manual-for Windows

It is precisely this self-adjusting behavior that
makes optical compressors the tool of choice for
smoothing out vocals, bass guitar and full-
program mixes without destroying perceived
Compressor/Limit buttons
The Comp and Limit buttons (Figure 9-21) model
the original LA-2A Limit/Compress mode switch.
The effect is very subtle, with the Limit option
behaving only slightly more like a limiter than a
compressor. The switch increases the level of the
input to the AGC model and runs the attenuator at
a slightly lower level. The Leveler then responds
more strongly to transients, but otherwise still
behaves like a leveling amplier.
Gain Reduction
Gain Reduction (Figure 9-21) sets the strength of
the signal sent to the AGC model.
Makeup Gain
Makeup gain (Figure 9-21) amplifies the output
signal to make up for gain reduction.
Enabling or disabling the Leveler
The Leveler models the LA-2A so closely, it also
models the time it takes for an actual LA-2A to
“warm up after it is turned on. Therefore, when
you enable the Leveler, give it a moment to settle
before you begin processing signals with it.
The Meters tab
The Meters tab (Figure 9-22) serves as a
comprehensive meter bridge for all inputs, outputs
and mix busses in the 828mk3. This tab gives you a
“bird’s-eye view of all signal activity in the
828mk3; it is ideal for confirming your signal
routing programming and for troubleshooting.
Figure 9-22: The Meters tab.
Channel meter display
The channel meter display (Figure 9-22) provides a
long-throw meter for the input or output that
currently has the focus in the Input/Output tabs.
Bus activity LEDs (inputs only)
The Bus activity LEDs (Figure 9-22) are present
only for inputs. See “Input meter and bus activity
LEDs on page 76.
Pre/post processing switch
The pre/post processing switch (Figure 9-22) affects
all input meters (and the meter in the channel
meter display above the tab, if this area is
Meters tab
Bus activity LEDs
(inputs only)
Channel meter
!828mk3 Hyb Manual/Win Page 86 Monday, March 28, 2011 6:11 PM