User Manual-for Windows

Magnitude is enabled, the trigger will look for both
+0.500 and -0.500. You will see a second blue line
appear in the display when Magnitude is enabled to
denote the second value.
Holdoff defines a time interval during which the
oscilloscope does not trigger. The most recent trace
will be displayed during that period. When the
period is over, the trigger is re-armed’, i.e. it will
begin looking for the criteria again.
Click and drag this value up or down to set it, or
double-click to return to the default value.
Trig ger mo de s
The Trigger menu (Figure 9-40 on page 97)
provides four modes:
Trig ger indi cator
The Trigger indicator (Figure 9-40 on page 97)
displays the state of the trigger, and also provides a
way to manually interact with it. The Trigger
indicator always displays one of three colors:
You can also click on the Trigger indicator to force
certain actions, depending on the Trigger mode. In
Auto and Normal modes, clicking on the Trigger
indicator causes the display to run freely; you may
click & hold to force this to occur for as long as
youd like. In Single Sweep mode, clicking on the
Trigger indicator re-arms the trigger. When the
Trigger m ode is None, clicking on the Trigger
indicator has no effect.
Measurement information
You can view detailed information about a
particular time range by using the measurement
Figure 9-41: Measurement information
Trigger modeWhat it does
None The Trigger is not active; this is the default mode.
The incoming audio signal will be displayed contin-
uously as audio is received.
Auto The display is always updating, but when the condi-
tion is met, the trigger event will be displayed cen-
tered around the line marking time equals zero.
Normal The display updates only when the condition is met;
the last trace will be displayed until the next match-
ing event is found.
Similar to Normal mode, but the last trace will be
displayed until you manually arm the trigger by
clicking the Trigger indicator (Figure 9-40 on
page 97) or by pressing the spacebar.
Color Status
Green When the current Trigger criteria has been met (includ-
ing when the Trigger mode is None).
When the Trigger is armed, but has not yet found an
event which matches its criteria. Yellow can also indi-
cate that the graph has been manually paused using the
Pause button in the View section (see “Pausing the dis-
play” on page 96).
Red When the Trigger is being held off, either because the
Trigger mode is set to Single Sweep or the Holdoff time
is not set to zero.
!828mk3 Hyb Manual/Win Page 98 Monday, March 28, 2011 6:11 PM