User Manual-for Mac

The Phase Analysis window (Figure 9-49 on
page 112) graphs frequency versus phase
difference versus amplitude of a stereo signal on
either rectangular or polar coordinates.
In rectangular coordinates, the vertical axis
represents frequency, and the horizontal axis
represents the phase of the left channel minus the
phase of the right channel (measured in radians).
In polar coordinates, the radius represents
frequency and the angle (theta) from the +y
vertical axis represents the phase difference of left
channel minus the right channel.
Correlation Meter
The blue Correlation Meter to the right of the
display shows the correlation between the two
channels. The higher the meter, the higher the
correlation between the two channels.
Opening the Phase Analysis
Each 896mk3 interface has its own Phase Analysis
window. Choose the Phase Analysis item from the
Devices menu under the desired interface.
Choosing a channel pair to display
The Phase Analysis window follows the currently
focused audio input or output. If you focus a mono
channel (e.g. Analog 3), its corresponding stereo
pair will be displayed (Analog 3–4).
View controls
The View controls (Figure 9-50) provide several
options for the Phase Analysis display.
Figure 9-50: View controls
Figure 9-49: Phase Analysis
Pause button
896mk3 Hybrid book Page 112 Friday, August 19, 2011 1:44 PM