User Manual-for Mac

The 896mk3 stereo return bus can be used for a
variety of purposes. For example, you could use it
to send a final mix being played through the
896mk3 back to the computer, where you could
record it for mastering or archiving purposes.
As another example, you could use the stereo
return bus to capture tracks played from your host
software, along with live inputs being routed
directly through the 896mk3 hardware via CueMix
FX (with or without CueMix effects processing on
the live inputs).
Programmable Meters
This option lets you choose which bank you wish
to monitor with the eight programmable meters on
the MOTU 896mk3 front panel. Your choices are:
Analog Out, Optical A In, Optical A Out, Optical B
In, Optical B Out, or Digital In/Out. This last
option displays AES/EBU input, S/PDIF input,
AES/EBU output and S/PDIF output, in order
from left to right. You can also adjust this setting by
turning the METERS knob on the 896mk3 front
Sample Rate Convert
The Sample Rate Convert option (Figure 4-17 on
page 32) lets you control AES/EBU sample rate
conversion. Sample rate conversion is available
when the 896mk3 is operating at the 1x sample
rates (44.1 and 48kHz) or the 2x sample rates (88.2
or 96kHz). AES/EBU is disabled entirely at the 4x
samples rates (176.4 and 192kHz). Each option is
explained below.
To make the AES/EBU output sample rate match
the System sample rate, choose None (Figure 4-17
on page 32). No sample rate conversion occurs
when this setting is chosen.
AES Out slave to AES In
To make the AES/EBU output sample rate match
the sample rate currently being received by the
896mk3’s AES/EBU input, choose AES Out Slave to
AES In (Figure 4-17 on page 32). This setting
requires a connection to the 896mk3’s AES/EBU
input from a device that is transmitting an AES/
EBU clock signal.
Be careful when both the 896mk3’s AES/EBU
input and output are connected to the same
external device: this option is likely to create a
clock loop.
AES/EBU Out options
Choose the desired AES/EBU Out sample rate
options (Figure 4-17 on page 32) when the desired
AES/EBU output rate needs to be completely
different than the system clock rate or the AES In
clock rate. For further details about this option, see
“Sample Rate Convert” on page 46.
Clip Hold Time
The Clip Hold Time option controls how long the
top red LED on the front panel metering remains
illuminated after clipping occurs.
If you want the ability to clear the LED manually
from your host audio software or the CueMix FX
app, Choose Infinite from the Clip Hold Time
menu. In Digital Performer or AudioDesk, you can
clear the 896mk3 clip LEDs by choosing Audio
menu>Clear All Clipping Indicators.
Peak Hold Time
The 896mk3 front-panel level meters support
standard peak/hold metering, where the LED for
the highest level recently measured on the channel
remains illuminated for a brief period of time while
the rest of the LEDs below it remain fully dynamic.
The Peak Hold Time controls how long the peak-
hold LED remain illuminated before going dark
896mk3 Hybrid book Page 46 Friday, August 19, 2011 1:44 PM