User Manual-for Mac

displaying an input meter). Click Pre to view levels
before any input channel processing besides trim;
click Post to view levels after all channel processing
(EQ, compression, M/S decoding, L/R swap, etc.)
The Reverb tab
The Reverb tab (Figure 9-23) provides access to the
896mk3’s single, global reverb processor, which
provides high-fidelity reverberation and graphic
control over its parameters.
Figure 9-23: The Reverb tab.
Enabling reverb
Use the enable/disable button (Figure 9-23) to turn
the reverb processor on or off. Since reverb uses
considerable DSP resources, it is best to leave it off
when you are not using it.
Routing inputs, busses and outputs to the
reverb processor
The reverb processor is a single, independent unit
that provides stereo reverb.You can route multiple
signals to it from various points (sends) in the
CueMix FX mixer, but all incoming signals to the
reverb processor are merged and processed
together. The resulting stereo output from the
reverb can then be inserted into a mix bus or
output using stereo returns.
Reverb sends
The following signals can be sent to the reverb
processor via their corresponding sends (discussed
earlier in this chapter):
Mono or stereo inputs (Figure 9-3 on page 79)
Mix bus output (Figure 9-2 on page 77)
Outputs (Figure 9-6 on page 82)
Reverb returns
The stereo output from the reverb processor can be
sent to the following destinations via their
corresponding returns (discussed earlier in this
Mix bus outputs
The computer (via the Reverb Return bus)
Split point
The Split Point (Figure 9-23) prevents feedback
loops that would be caused by a signal being sent to
the reverb processor and then returned to the same
signal path.
When the Split Point is set to Mix, the returns in the
Mix bus tab become active and the sends in the
Output tab gray out. This allows you to send from
inputs and mixes and return to mixes and outputs.
Mid band reverb
time handle
Low band
High band
896mk3 Hybrid book Page 95 Friday, August 19, 2011 1:44 PM