User Manual-for Windows

one half of the entire frequency range is displayed.
Pos determines which frequency is displayed at the
center of the graph.
In Min/Max mode, Min and Max set the lowest and
highest displayed frequencies (in Hertz).
Vertical controls (amplitude axis)
The Ve r t i c a l controls (Figure 9-29) operate
similarly to the Horizontal controls, except that
they configure the y-axis (amplitude). In Zoom/
Offset mode, Zoom sets the display zoom from 1x
to 100x, and Pos sets the center amplitude of the
graph. In Min/Max mode, Min and Max set the
smallest and largest displayed amplitude.
Spectrogram controls
The Floor control (Figure 9-29) sets the amplitude
threshold for the spectrogram display, from -144
dB up to 0 dB.
The Alpha control (Figure 9-29) sets the opacity of
the spectrogram information displayed in the
graph, from 100% (fully visible) to 0% (hidden).
The Oscilloscope (Figure 9-36) graphs the
amplitude of an audio signal over time.
Amplitude is displayed on the y-axis and time is
displayed on the x-axis. A thick white vertical line
marks where time equals zero; a thick white
horizontal line marks where amplitude equals zero
(Figure 9-36, below).
Level meters are displayed to the right of the graph.
One or two meters are shown, depending on the
current view mode (see “View controls”).
Opening the oscilloscope
Each 896mk3 has its own oscilloscope. To open an
oscilloscope, choose the Oscilloscope item from the
Devices menu under the desired interface.
Choosing a channel to display
The oscilloscope follows the currently focused
audio input or output. If you focus a mono channel
(e.g. Analog 3), its corresponding stereo pair will
be displayed (Analog 3–4).
View controls
The View controls (Figure 9-37) provide several
options for the oscilloscope display.
Figure 9-37: View controls
Figure 9-36: Oscilloscope
Pause button
View menu
896mk3 Hybrid book Page 101 Friday, August 19, 2011 2:04 PM