User Manual-for Windows

FFT display
Choose Show FFT from the Filter display options
menu (Figure 9-10) to superimpose a real-time
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) frequency
measurement curve over the EQ filter display, as
demonstrated in Figure 9-30:
Figure 9-30: FFT display.
The FFT curve is post-filter. Therefore, the FFT
shows the results of the EQ filter(s) being applied.
Use the global EQ button for the input or output
channel (Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-6, respectively)
to toggle between the EQd and non-EQd FFT
display for an A/B comparison.
Choose Show Spectrogram from the Filter display
options menu (Figure 9-10) to superimpose a real-
time spectrogram “waterfall” display in the
background of the EQ filter display, as
demonstrated in Figure 9-31:
Figure 9-31: FFT display.
The spectrogram scrolls from top to bottom, where
the top edge of the display represents what you are
hearing now”. Color represents amplitude along
the left/right frequency spectrum. The amplitude
color scale runs from black (silence) to red (full
scale) as follows:
Figure 9-32: Spectrogram color-to-amplitude spectrum.
Opening the FFT Analysis window
Choose FFT Analysis from the Devices menu to
open a new window with the filter EQ display for
detailed inspection and adjustment of the EQlter,
as shown Figure 9-29.
Figure 9-29: Full window filter display.
Y-axis labels for EQ controls
Y-axis labels for FFT display
Grow handle
FFT curve
Black Blue Green Yellow Orange Red
Silence Full scale
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