User Manual-Mac

Controlling CueMix DSP from within Cubase
To turn on CueMix in Cubase VST, enable the ASIO
Direct Monitor check box in the Monitoring section
of the Audio System Setup window (Figure 9-3 on
page 90).
Once enabled, CueMix DSP monitoring is
controlled with Cubases input monitoring
features: when you enable monitoring for a track,
the tracks input is routed directly to its output
fader (via CueMix DSP in the PCI-424 hardware).
This connection is made under the hood”, which
means that you wont see it in CueMix Console.
However, CueMix DSP monitoring connections
made inside Cubase will dovetail with any other
mixes you’ve set up in CueMix Console. For
example, if monitoring is enabled for track
assigned to an output pair that is already being
used in CueMix Console for an entirely separate
mix bus, the Cubase-enabled audio will simply be
merged with the CueMix Console mix bus output.
Note to PCI-324 users who have upgraded to a
PCI-424 system: CueMix DSP monitoring in
Cubase no longer affects the settings in CueMix
Console. Instead, you now enjoy the benefits of
CueMix DSP monitoring in Cubase, plus separate,
independent mixing under CueMix Console,
thanks to the much more powerful CueMix DSP
Other ASIO-compatible host software
If your ASIO-compatible host audio software
supports ASIOs direct monitoring feature, consult
your software documentation to learn how to
enable this feature. Once enabled, it should work
similarly as described for Cubase (as explained in
the previous section).
Using CueMix Console
If you are not using ASIO compatible software, or if
your host audio software does not support ASIOs
direct hardware monitoring features, you can set
up your monitor mix in CueMix Console.
CueMix Console allows you to set up monitor
mixes, or any other desired routing configurations,
that are independent of your host audio software.
See chapter 13, CueMix Console (page 111).