User Manual-Mac

If you dont have any digital audio devices
connected, digital audio phase-lock does not apply
to you.
Resolving AudioDesk and the PCI-424 to video
and/or SMPTE time code
If you need to slave AudioDesk and the PCI-424
system to video and/or SMPTE time code, you can
do so with or without a dedicated synchronizer.
Resolving directly to video and/or time code
(with no synchronizer)
To resolve your AudioDesk/PCI-424 system
directly to video and/or SMPTE time code with no
additional synchronization devices, use the setup
shown in “Syncing to SMPTE time code on
page 41 or “Syncing to video on page 42.
Direct video sync requires a 2408mk3
interface. SMPTE time code sync can be done with
any MOTU PCI audio interface.
Choose Receive Sync from the Basics menu and
choose the Sample accurate option. Then make
sure that the Slave to External Sync command in the
Basic menu is checked. Make sure the Clock Source
setting in the MOTU PCI Audio Console window
is set to PCI-424: SMPTE or PCI-424: Video. Also,
make sure that you’ve specified the SMPTE time
code input (if necessary) in the MOTU SMPTE
Console applet, as shown in Figure 3-23 on page 41
or Figure 3-24 on page 42.
Resolving to video and/or time code with a
dedicated synchronizer
To resolve your AudioDesk/PCI-424 system to
video and/or SMPTE time code using an
additional synchronization device, use the setup
shown in “Syncing to video and/or SMPTE time
code using a synchronizer” on page 43.
Choose Receive Sync from the Basics menu and
choose the MTC (MIDI Time Code) option. Then
make sure that the Slave to External Sync command
in the Basic menu is checked. To ensure that your
audio tracks dont drift out of sync with your MIDI
tracks — or time code, use a hardware
synchronizer like the MIDI Timepiece AV or
Digital Timepiece to resolve the PCI-424 hardware
as well, as shown in Figure 3-25 on page 43. A
digital audio synchronizer is required for drift-free
SMPTE/MIDI time code sync. Make sure the Clock
Source setting in the MOTU PCI Audio Console
window has the appropriate setting for locking the
PCI-424 system to the synchronizer. For example,
in Figure 3-25 on page 43, word clock is being used
to resolve a 2408mk3, so the Clock Source setting is
2408mk3: Word Clock In.
If you have an ADAT sync or a Tascam sync
compatible device, don’t use SMPTE time code.
Instead, use sample-accurate sync as described in
the next section.
Sample-accurate sync
Together, AudioDesk and the 2408mk3 system
provide you with sample-accurate transfers with
ADATs, Alesis recorders or any other devices that
support standard ADAT sample address (ADAT
Similarly, with the help of a MOTU Digital
Timepiece, AudioDesk and a 2408mk3 system can
perform sample-accurate transfers with Tascam
digital recorders.
A sample-accurate transfer is one in which the
original location of the audio is preserved in the
transfer, down to the sample.
For details on how to set up sample-accurate sync,
see “Sample-accurate sync on page 37. Be sure to
choose the Sample Accurate Sync via PCI-424
option in AudioDesk’s Receive Sync dialog (Basics
menu), and make sure that the Slave to External
Sync command is checked in the Basic menu, too.
To control the transports of everything together
from AudioDesk, see the next section.