User Manual

The Routings tab provides an easy and powerful way for
you to route MIDI data from any device connected to your
MOTU interface to any other device connected to it. This
window provides you with complete control over the flow
of MIDI data through the interface.
Figure 5-2: The Routings Tab for the MIDI Express XT. The micro express has 4
inputs on the left and 6 outputs on the right.
Cable routing to and from the computer
In MOTU USB MIDI interfaces, all MIDI inputs and
outputs are always connected to the computer. Therefore,
in ClockWorks, routings to and from the computer are not
shown in the Routings tab. Use the Routings tab to make
routings directly from inputs to outputs, or to make
connections between the computer and the MMC or MTC
Making a connection
To route MIDI directly from a MIDI device to any other,
click the source cable icon on the left and drag to the
destination cable icon on the right.
Connecting one input to multiple outputs
To connect an input to more than one output, make each
connection separately as described in the previous
section. As a shortcut, shift-drag from the input cable on
the left over to the first output, and then drag directly to
each additional output on the right. As you “touch each
output, it highlights and a connection is made.
!USB Interfaces Manual Book Page 31 Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:21 AM