User Manual

Adding and removing MIDI messages
Use the Add and Remove buttons to add and remove MIDI
messages to and from the list. Don’t worry about the
settings to the left of the list when adding items. You
specify the settings afterwards.
Message settings
Click on each message in the list to select it, and while it is
selected, use the settings to the left of the list to specify
what type of MIDI message it is, its value, and its MIDI
channel (if applicable).
For example, if you chose Controller from the menu, select
the type of controller you wish to generate. You can either
type in the controller number or choose it by name from
the menu. If you choose system exclusive, see “Sending
sysex data with a pedal on page 48.
Pedal up/Pedal down
Each message in the list can be sent either when the pedal
goes up, or when it goes down. To specify this, click the
arrow to the left of the MIDI message to toggle it up or
Each message in the list can be assigned to go out a unique
MIDI channel; click the message to select it and then
choose the desired channel from the menu. If the channel
menu disappears when you click on the message in the list,
it means that it is not the type of MIDI message that can be
channelized (such as sysex data).
All MIDI messages in the list can be transmitted to one or
more MIDI cables. To specify the output cable(s), go to the
Routings tab and drag a connection from the Pedal icon in
the left column to the desired output cable(s) in the right
column. All pedal messages are sent to the specified
cable(s). You cant send one message to one output cable,
and send another message to a different output cable.
Sending pedal data
Once you have made the pedal data assignment and
output assignment as described above, no other
preparation is necessary. Just press the pedal.
!USB Interfaces Manual Book Page 47 Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:21 AM