User Manual

Sequencer 30 fps
This preset is designed for MIDI software, especially
sequencing software, that supports multi-cable interfaces
such as your Express interface. Use this preset if you have
Digital Performer, Pro Tools, Logic, Cubase, or any other
MIDI software that supports multi-cable interfaces.
This preset connects all inputs and outputs to the
computer. In addition, it sets the SMPTE sync settings for
lockup and striping at 30 frames per second (fps).
Sequencer 25 fps
This preset is identical to the Sequencer 30 fps above
except that the frame rate is set to 25 frames per second
(fps) for converting and striping at 25 fps.
Live Keyboards
Use this preset when you want to route any controller
connected to a MIDI IN to all MIDI outputs. This preset is
ideal for quickly routing a controller to a sound module
and for using a MIDI controller without a computer. If you
have connected both the MIDI IN and MIDI OUT of your
keyboard controller to your Express interface, it is best to
match the input/output MIDI port numbers on your
MOTU interface. For example, if the controller is
connected to MIDI IN port 3, connect it to MIDI OUT
port 3 as well. If you do so, this preset prevents
troublesome MIDI feedback loops, which happen when
the controller sends data back to itself via your Express
interface. This preset avoids this problem by not sending
data to the port that has the same number. For example,
MIDI IN port 3 routes data to all MIDI OUT ports except
MIDI OUT number 3.
Merge All
With this preset, any device connected to a MIDI IN will
send data to all devices connected to your Express
interface outputs, including the computer. This preset is
ideal for troubleshooting because it routes everything to
everywhere; any incoming data will be sent to all outputs.
For example, if you are not getting sound from a sound
module when you play notes on your controller, you can
eliminate MIDI routing as the cause of the problem by
temporarily using this preset. You can rest assured that
your Express interface is routing the data to the module
!USB Interfaces Manual Book Page 51 Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:21 AM