User Manual

A Glossary
Address Track: A third audio track, used for time code,
located on the edge of the video signal on a 3/4” VTR.
Because of its proximity to the video signal, the address
track cannot be recorded by itself; it must be recorded
simultaneously with the video signal.
AT R : Audio Tape Recorder. A device that can record an
audio signal on audio tape.
Burn-in Window: A numeric display of time code
superimposed over the video picture to aid in the post-
production editing process.
Cable routing: An internal connection from one of the
Express interfaces MIDI IN ports to one or more of its
MIDI OUT ports.
Control Track: A video tape track located at the edge of the
video tape containing a series of pulses that serve as a
reference tracking the tape speed. This track is recorded
with the video signal.
Crosstalk: Interference on a track from the signal of an
adjacent track on a multitrack tape recorder.
Default: An initial value or configuration.
Drop Frame: A SMPTE time code format used to
compensate for an accumulating timing error in color
video. Drop Frame skips two frames at the beginning of
each minute (except every 10th minute) as it counts color
video frames. The result is that the SMPTE time code
values match the actual elapsed time, since color video
runs slower (29.97 frames per second) than black and
white video (30 frames per second). Drop-frame is
required only with color video programs in which the
SMPTE time code numbers must precisely match the
actual elapsed time.
Drop-out: A brief period of missing information in a
continuous signal, such as a video signal or SMPTE time
code signal. Drop-outs are usually caused by small,
physical imperfections in the surface of the tape on which
the signal is recorded.
!USB Interfaces Manual Book Page 75 Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:21 AM