User Manual

SMPTE: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.
The acronym SMPTE is often used in audio production as
a shorthand expression for SMPTE Time Code.
SMPTE Time Code: A series of binary impulses that
express the location of each frame on film, video, or audio
tape in hours, minutes, seconds, and frames. SMPTE has
two forms: 1) an 80-bit audio signal, called Longitudinal
Time Code (LTC), or 2) a video signal recorded in the
vertical blanking segment of video frames, called Ver t i c al
Interval Time Code (VITC). In either form, SMPTE Time
Code has four different formats for counting frames per
second (fps): 24 fps, 25 fps, 30 fps, and Drop Frame. 24 is
used mostly with film; 25 is a European format for film; 30
is the US standard for audio and video; Drop Frame is
required only with color video programs in which the
SMPTE time code numbers must precisely match the
actual elapsed time.
SMPTE-to-MIDI Converter: A device that reads SMPTE
time code from audio or video tape and converts it to
MTC or DTL to synchronize MIDI devices to tape.
Striping: The process of recording SMPTE time code.
Switcher/Special Effect Generator: A machine that takes
multiple video input signals and routes them to a variety of
destinations to add special effects such as dissolves.
Synchronizer: A device that reads time code from audio or
video tape and is used to synchronize the timing of two or
more devices.
Time Code Generator: A device that is capable of
producing LTC, VITC, or both.
Time Code Window: A display of SMPTE time code
numbers on a video screen.
Universal Serial Bus: An industry standard for connecting
peripheral devices to computers.
USB: See Universal Serial Bus.
!USB Interfaces Manual Book Page 78 Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:21 AM