User Manual

Troubleshooting is always simplest and most effective
when the exact problem can be specified clearly and
concisely. If you are surprised by an error message or by
seemingly erratic behavior in the console or network, take
a moment to jot down the relevant details: exactly what the
error message said (including any error ID numbers),
what actions were done on-screen just before the problem
occurred, what kind of file you were working with, how
you recovered from the problem, and any unusual
conditions during the occurrence of the problem. This
may not enable you to solve the problem at once, but will
greatly aid in isolating the problem should it reoccur.
If the problem you are encountering seems inconsistent,
try to determine what the necessary pattern of actions is
that will cause it to occur. Genuine bugs in application
software like the ClockWorks are almost always consistent
in their manifestation: the same set of actions under the
same conditions invariably brings about the same results.
Determining the exact cause of a bug often requires
experiments which replicate the problem situation with
one factor changed.
We are happy to provide customer support to our
registered users. If you haven’t already done so, please take
a moment to complete the registration card in the front of
the manual and send it in to us. When we receive your
card, you’ll be placed on our mailing list for free software
updates and other information.
If your MOTU USB software CD becomes damaged or
lost, our Customer Support Department will be glad to
replace it. Or you can download the latest version of the
drivers and consoles from
Registered users who are unable, with their dealer’s help,
to solve problems they encounter with the their MOTU
interface may contact our technical support department in
one of the following ways:
Tech support hotline: (617) 576-3066 (Monday through
Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST)
Online support:
!USB Interfaces Manual Book Page 89 Tuesday, August 16, 2011 11:21 AM