User Manual-Mac

setting in the MOTU PCI Audio Console window
has the appropriate setting for locking the PCI-424
system to the synchronizer. For example, in
Figure 3-25 on page 43, word clock is being used to
resolve a 2408mk3 interface, so the Clock Source
setting is 2408mk3: Word Clock In.
If you have an ADAT sync or a Tascam sync
compatible device, don’t use SMPTE time code.
Instead, use sample-accurate sync as described in
the next section.
Sample-accurate sync with Cubase or Nuendo
Cubase and Nuendo, along with the PCI-424
system and its ASIO 2 driver, provide you with
sample-accurate transfers with ADATs and any
other devices that support standard ADAT sample
address (ADAT Sync).
Similarly, with the help of a MOTU Digital
Timepiece universal A/V synchronizer, Cubase (or
Nuendo) and a 2408mk3-based PCI-424 system
can perform sample-accurate transfers with
Tascam digital recorders.
A sample-accurate transfer is one in which the
original location of the audio is preserved in the
transfer, down to the sample.
For details on how to connect your hardware for
sample-accurate sync, see “Sample-accurate sync
on page 37. Then, set up Cubase as follows:
Before you begin, in Cubases MIDI System
Setup window, set OMS compatibility to No OMS.
Cubase does not appear to be able to achieve
sample-accurate sync when running under OMS.
1 Choose PCI-424: ADAT as the Audio Clock
Source setting. In Cubase VST, this setting is in the
Audio System Setup window (Audio menu). In
Nuendo, this setting is in the Device Setup window
(Options menu).
2 Go to Cubase or Nuendos Synchronization
window, as shown below:
Figure 9-8: Setting up sample-accurate sync via ASIO 2.
3 If you are not using an MMC-compatible
synchronizer (such as a MOTU MIDI
Timepiece AV, Digital Timepiece or Alesis BRC),
choose the settings shown above in Figure 9-8 that
applies to you. In this scenario, transport control is
handled by the ADAT (or other sample-accurate
sync source).
4 If you are using an MMC-compatible
synchronizer (such as a MOTU MIDI
Timepiece AV, Digital Timepiece or Alesis BRC),
set Cubase VST’s Sync Source Timecode Base to
ASIO 2.0 MMC or enable Nuendos MIDI Machine
Control option. In addition, choose the appropriate
MIDI port for the MMC synchronizer from VSTs
Output menu or Nuendo’s MIDI machine Control
MIDI Output menu. If youre using a MIDI
Timepiece AV, you can choose any of its MIDI
ports in this menu. Doing so makes Cubase or
Cubase VST