User Manual

Table Of Contents
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The Mixing tab gives you full access to
the 48-channel mixer in your MOTU AVB
interface, which provides a main mix
bus, monitor bus, three group busses,
seven aux busses, and a dedicated
reverb bus. Use the Device tab to config-
ure how many inputs you wish to work
with (up to 48). Use the Routing tab
(page 20) to route channels to the mixer
inputs. Channels can come from any
source, such as the physical inputs on
the interface, channels coming from the
computer, or channels coming from the
AVB network.
1. Shows and hides the Mixer Setup
sidebar (3), which lets you show and
hide channels, channel strip
settings, effects, and the Legend (6).
2. The Mixing tab selects the mixer.
3. Use the Mixer Setup sidebar to show
and hide elements in the mixer.
4. Shows and hides all elements in the
section with one click.
5. Create, save, recall and manage
mixer presets.
6. This column is the Legend. It
provides labels and controls for
channel strip sections. The menu at
the top lets you create, name, save
and manage entire mixer presets.
7. Mixer input channels.
8. This input channel has its Gate and
Compressor enabled. Disabled
effects are grayed out.
9. This is Group bus 1-2. You can send
inputs to this group with their Group
send fader (24). Groups are sent to
the Main Mix with its Main send
fader (24) or aux busses (19).
10. Group buses, the main mix bus, and
the reverb return bus are equipped
with the Leveler, a vintage compres-
sor modeled after the Teletronix
LA-2A leveling amplifier.
11. The reverb channel strip provides
controls for the reverb processor. Use
the reverb send on individual inputs
or groups to route them to the
reverb bus, which can then be mixed
in with the main mix or aux busses.
Disable the reverb processor to use it
as an extra group.
12. The Monitor Bus can mirror the
output of any other bus, or it can act
as a separate Solo bus. See page 24.
13. The Main Mix bus is the master fader
for the entire mixer. You can add EQ
and Leveler compression.
14. You can adjust Aux bus output levels
here, or in the Aux Mixing tab shown
on page 22.
15. Click a name to change it, except for
the Main Mix, Monitor, and Reverb
busses, which cannot be changed.
16. Stereo toggle to switch channel
pairs between mono or stereo. Use
the other menus to manage channel
strip presets and to choose audio
sources and destinations for mixer
inputs and bus outputs.
17. Gate processing for inputs.
18. The Dynamics section provides a
conventional compressor for inputs
and the Leveler for output busses.
19. Reverb and aux sends.
20. Solo and mute. On the Monitor bus,
the SC button clears all solos.
21. Channel faders.
22. Choose the source for the Monitor
bus from this menu. It can mirror
any output bus or the Solo Bus.
23. When Follow Solo is enabled, the
Monitor bus temporarily switches to
the solo bus when any channel is
24. Group sends.
25. ‘S’ lets you solo the group. ‘PRE’
toggles the sends between pre- and
post-fader routing, i.e. before or
after the channel fader.
26. Show and hide output busses here.
27. Show/hide all busses with one click.
28. Same as (25) above.
29. Show and hide inputs here.
30. Show/hide all inputs with one click.
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