User Manual

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you are
making audio connections to your Monitor 8
Analog trims
All quarter-inch analog inputs and outputs can be
trimmed. This allows them to support a variety of
standards, including EBU-R68, SMPTE RP-155,
+4dBu, -10dBV, 2vRMS, 1vRMS.
Monitor 8 analog inputs are equipped with high-
quality, digitally controlled analog trim that
provides a range from -96 to +22 dB in 1dB steps.
Trim controls are most easily accessed in the web
app. See “Device tab on page 14. Trim settings can
also be accessed in the LCD menu.
Monitor 8 provides two banks of ADAT optical
(“lightpipe”) input. Together, they provide 16
channels of ADAT optical digital input at 44.1 or 48
kHz, or 8 channels at 88.2 or 96 kHz. The optical
ports are disabled when the interface is operating at
a 176.4 or 192 kHz.
Choosing a clock source for optical connections
When connecting an optical device, make sure that
its digital audio clock is phase-locked (in sync
with) your MOTU interface. Once the optical
connection is made, choose the connected ADAT
bank as the clock source (page 14). Be sure to
choose the bank that the device is connected to.
The AVB protocol provides sophisticated and
accurate timing, synchronization, and clocking
features for AVB device networks of any size as
shown on pages 33-34, including:
Low latency
Network-wide time base
Better-than-sample-accurate phase lock across
all connected devices
Timing accuracy down to the nanosecond
Choosing a master clock
The Web app provides an easy way to choose one
device as the master clock for your whole MOTU
AVB network.
1 Go to the Devices tab (page 14).
2 In the device list (item #1 on page 14), choose
the MOTU interface you wish to use as the clock
3 Click the Become Clock Master button below the
Clock Mode menu.
Now, all other MOTU AVB devices on the network
are resolved to this device.
Figure 4-7: Choosing a clock master.
Alternately, you can go to the clock mode menu for
each individual device separately and choose the
master clock device by hand. For example, you may
be in a situation where at least one MOTU device
on the network must remain resolved to its own
clock (or another clock source). Just know that in