User Manual

Choose the Optical converter preset if you would
like the 8A to serve as a multi-channel digital-to-
analog or analog-to-digital converter connected to
another device equipped with an optical port. This
preset sends optical inputs to the 8As analog
outputs; conversely, analog inputs are routed to the
optical outputs.
For example, if you have another MOTU interface
equipped with optical, you could connect its
optical output banks to the 8As optical input
banks. The 8A then serves as an expander that adds
the 8As analog outputs to your setup.
Figure 5-5: Use the Optical converter preset to use the 8A as an
optical-to-analog output expander. You can also use this preset to
use the 8A as an analog-to-optical input expander.
Analog outputs
Optical cable
Other interface