User's Manual

Thomson/Gyration Confidential Page 6 of 21
Transport Control
PC, TV, or Music
PC Mode
A Puts selected
device into Stop
mode, if
Stops media playback and positions
pointer to start of media
B Puts selected
device into Pause
mode, if
First button press will pause the
media at present position.
Subsequent button presses toggles
between pause and playback at
present position pointer.
C Puts selected
device into Fast
Forward mode, if
First press speeds up the time base
of the media stream to the first FF
value (3X). If media is a slide show,
skips to next picture.
Subsequent button presses cycle
through the FF speed values looping
through 0 (normal speed) 3X, 20X,
60X. If slide show, skips to next
D Skip command, if
supported by
selected device
Skips ahead an increment:
CD and Playlists skip to next song.
DVD skips to next chapter. Slide
show skips to next picture. DVR
skips 29 seconds
E Puts selected
device into Play
mode, if
Start (if paused, continue) playback
of media at present position pointer.
Used by Media Center for Media
Center media, DVR, CD/DVD,
playlists and slide shows.
F Replay command,
if supported by
selected device
Move the position pointer back an
CD and Playlist: skips back to
previous song. DVD: skips back to
previous chapter. Slide show: skips
back to previous picture. DVR skips
back 7 seconds
G Puts selected
device into
Rewind mode, if
First press speeds up the time base
and reverses direction of the media
stream to the first rewind value
(3X). If media is a slide show, skips
to previous picture.
Second press cycles through the
RWD speed values looping through 0
(normal speed) 3X, 20X, 60X. If
media is a slide show, skips to
previous picture
H Puts selected
device into Record
mode, if
Records the TV show to disk. Starts
recording at the beginning of the
show as defined by on-screen TV
program guide (if the pause buffer
enables it)