User's Manual

Message Service Page 19 of 47
Directly use the default phrases when writing the messages.
Broadcast message
Network service enables you to receive all kinds of text message, such as news, weather report, traffic conditions,
etc. For the detail, please refer to your network operator.
Voice mail server
This is similar to the Answer machine. You may transfer the incoming call that you fail to answer duly to your
Voice mail server, where the caller can leave message. You are reminded of message, if any, in the mailbox by a
short message. This function is part of the mating software provided by the network operator, so you need to
register it, please refer to your network operator for the detail.
You may transfer any incoming call to the Voice mail server (the number of caller to leave a message) by setting
“Call Forwarding”
Function Menu of Mailbox List
Settings: Set relevant parameters for the short messages, multimedia messages and push messages.
Delete all: Enter into the empty mailbox/empty message interface.
Message capacity: Show the memory capacity of the messages.
Export SMS: Select the mailbax and path for exporting SMS.